
2022年9月6日—Asasecurityenvironment,asandboxapppreventsanywebsiteorlinksfromauto-executingmalwarescriptsthatcancausechangestothesystem ...,ThesandboxallowsFirefoxtoaccessonlyasmallsetofsystemfilesanddirectories.Allprivateuserinformationwasremovedfromhomedirectory.Please ...,2021年12月7日—Firefoxupdatebringsawholenewsortofsecuritysandbox.Firefox95.0isout,withtheusualsecurityfixes...plussomefunk...

Sandboxed Mode for Firefox

2022年9月6日 — As a security environment, a sandbox app prevents any website or links from auto-executing malware scripts that can cause changes to the system ...

Firefox Sandboxing Guide - Firejail

The sandbox allows Firefox to access only a small set of system files and directories. All private user information was removed from home directory. Please ...

Firefox update brings a whole new sort of security sandbox

2021年12月7日 — Firefox update brings a whole new sort of security sandbox. Firefox 95.0 is out, with the usual security fixes... plus some funky new ones.

Does Firefox has sandbox mode? if yes, how to run?

2016年2月26日 — Firefox has a sandbox for some plugins like Flash, and it has a sandbox for media decoding plugins and DRM plugins.


Sandboxing enforces file system write and read restrictions for XUL based add-on content (frame and process) scripts. To avoid issues as sandboxing features ...

SecuritySandboxProcess model

Multi-process Firefox employs a process sandbox to protect against malicious content. In this model, untrusted content is run in a sandboxed low-rights ...

Firefox存在重大漏洞 - 永和分局

Mozilla於6/20第二度發布Firefox安全公告,編號CVE-2019-11708漏洞為存在Prompt:Open IPC (Inter-Process Communication)訊息的沙箱逃逸(Sandbox Escape)漏洞。